On the road to Olympic and Paralympic Games
Over the course of the 20th century, composite materials have revolutionised all the sectors they have successfully integrated. Ever present in aeronautics and automotive, composites are increasingly present in sports-related applications. This is the case even for products intended for the general public.
Cutting-edge sports equipment is constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible with composites. This is why so many manufacturers use the sport industry as an innovative lab for other applications. Lightweight, sturdy, and affordable for both professional and amateur athletes, composite materials are truly a springboard to better performance in a great many sports. In addition to being easy-to-use, composite-based models are a breeze to handle and transport when compared to metal-based equipment. Design freedom leads to a wide variety of available applications, while superior strength means that little maintenance is required and the product lasts longer. Finally, the superb impact resistance gives equipment excellent damping and vibration absorption properties.
And so, when composites combine in sports equipment, athletes surpass the physiological and biomechanical limits of the human body. They have the technical upper hand and a competitive advantage.
It’s also worth mentioning that these materials are stellar performers in the area of sustainable development. They use bio-based materials and resins, harness improved production processes, and are recycled through new and innovative techniques…
Composites in Sports – Get ready for the Paris Olympic and Paralympic games !
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Composites in Olympic & Paralympic Sports
JEC has decided to celebrate the Olympic and Paralympic Games 2024 in France, with this brochure highlighting the close ties between composites and sports, and the increasing use of composites over the past years in 18 out of the many Summer Olympic and Paralympic sports.
Readers will discover the evolution of the composites’ applications in 18 Summer Olympic disciplines up to present time through a variety of content, including the history, the early stage and the recent developments of the use of composites per sport, and how it was integrated to paralympic disciplines when accurate.
To prepare this brochure, JEC commissioned Ignaas Verpoest, Emeritus Professor, Composite Materials Group, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Véronique Michaud, Associate Professor, Head of Laboratory for Processing of Advanced Composites at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland), and Helena Teixidó, PhD in Composites from EPFL, to document the history and its key milestones and achievements.
Download the brochure